In the Orchard
Open for U-Pick Ozark Gold & Akane Apples
If Fall is your favorite and you’re ready for all things apple, Pome on the Range is the place foryou. We have apple cider available and have opened up a couple of varieties of apples for UPick. Are you craving a Jonathan apple? Try picking our early Jonathans – the Akane– which are slightly tart but great for baking, juicing, and applesauce making. We also have Ozark Gold apples, which have a subtly sweet bite and crunchy texture.
In the Market
Pristine, Gala, Honeycrisp, Ozark Gold, Akane apples, pears, tomatoes, summer squash, green beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, jelly grapes, and okra.

The transition from summer to fall has begun in our Market. Apples and pears have slowly replaced peaches. Cucumbers are beginning to fade from our minds, while tomatoes have hit their peak – we’re picking about 300 lbs daily!

If you’re having trouble letting go of summer, we still have produce for you. Enjoy some of our summer squash or pick up a sweet melon. There are also apple cider slushies, which take the edge off the September heat.
Our Market has Pristines, Galas, and Honeycrisp apples available for sale. We also have three pears: Seckel, Asian, and Moonglo.